Lisa Monger


It’s time to uplevel your health and performance, to ensure you reach those big bold goals of yours

Welcome to the Rebel world, where we take your health and performance seriously because we know that they are essential to you creating the business and the life that you dream of.

We work with highly successful business owners and career professionals to create a life by design, to be as laser focused and ambitious for their health and happiness as they are in their business and careers, so they feel vibrant, confident and fully authentically living their values and watch their performance reach the heights they dream of.

We have a range of services that will meet you where you’re at, all of which are changing the face of health, wellness and performance

  • Providing fully holistic support to successful entrepreneurs and professionals so that their health and well being flourishes  as they grow and scale their business 

  • Eradicating toxic diet culture by dismantling the systems that keep us sick, revolutionising the way people think and feel about their health and wellbeing and teaching a new way of optimising your health and helping you see the major role this has in your performance in all areas of your life

  • Creating a compassion first approach to health and performance, leaving the all or nothing approach behind for good and helping you to be in the best condition possible to do the things that make life worth living with the people you love. 

Our Clients:

  • Know that their health is their true wealth and prioritise accordingly 

  • Create business and career growth by prioritising their personal growth

  • Cultivate their inner capacity to build their outer capacity

  • Step into their A-list era with absolute confidence

  • Full embody the practices that you encourage others to use with absolute integrity

  • Trust their mind, body and soul to create and deliver them through the huge plans they have for their business and lives

Because when you do this, you feel as powerful and in control in mind, body and soul as you do in your business and professional life. When you treat your own health with the compassion it deserves that you advocate for others, and you prioritise your wellbeing with the same focus and commitment that you apply to your business growth, you get the same gear-shifting breakthroughs for yourself with ease that you create for your own clients in their businesses. 

Enough about us, Let’s talk about you for a moment…

You entered your A-List Era in total alignment. You built the most beautiful business which gets fantastic results - but you can always create more, right?  You’re leading out front, your branding is perfection, your offers are selling, your clients adore the work you do.  

And yet the higher you go the harder it becomes to admit that getting this far is taking its pound of flesh and that, despite your leadership, despite your advocacy for embodiment and alignment, despite talking the talk and walking the walk and being the leader that your people follow…it’s hard to hold the level of perfection you fear they need and the cracks are starting to show.  

Because if you haven't realised yet, your health is deeply connected to your wealth, and you won't reach next level wealth by ignoring your health as you have. It's time to up your health game and step into your next level.  

To do it in a sustainable way that feels good. 

But you have tried so many things that just haven’t sat right.

How do you know who to choose to trust?

Your business has blown up in the last few years, it’s been a steep learning curve as you put in A LOT to deliver the level of excellence and energy you’ve become known for.  

You dreamt of it for so long, and now you’re seeing not just results, but the potential for incredible growth. The thought of all of the lives you’ll change as you expand fills you with joy.

But, also…

Your health hasn’t been on the same trajectory. As your business has risen, your health and energy declined.

You’re nailing abundance in monetary terms, but it's time to feel abundant in your body. To have that same feeling of expansive wealth in your body, which in turn will unlock next level wealth in your business (because it's all connected).

  • You’ve been living on adrenaline, win after business win fuelling you. But that will only work for a while. 

  • Your hormones feel shot to pieces, your energy dips, your sleep isn’t great, your nervous system is all out of whack and you can’t actually remember the last time you truly rested … you know, without your phone.

  • You worry you’ll start to lose people, because the spark isn’t quite meeting your eyes as it once did. 

  • You worry if you have the capacity to hold this next level you seek without breaking.

  • You may even be doing all the health  you’re “supposed to”, yet still your body changes in ways you’re not comfortable with, in fact it’s going in the opposite direction to what you want (plot twist: you’re likely NOT supposed to do those things).

This is where we come in.

  • We hold the ones who hold everyone else, so that they have the capacity to do the life changing work they do

  • We create equilibrium, bringing your health up to the same level as your business and watch them both rise together.

  • We co-create a new way of approaching your health through The Rebel Method, with a daily plan so aligned and natural to you, you won't only want to stick to it, you will love it and continue with it for life. 

  • With the skills, tools, framework and support to tune into your needs and adjust it to a pitch perfect blend, so that your mind, body, soul and energy are all in perfect alignment, with a plan that bends and flexes with your needs and that of your business.

Work with Us

Choose from bespoke 1:1 Mentorship and coaching, an immersive group experience in our group Programme or the ongoing support of our membership that grows with you.

This is perfect for:

Business owners who are trying to provide the best service for their clients who have seen rapid huge growth in the business, and who’s health has taken a bit of a back seat in the process

Who are doing everything right and yet seem to have come up against a glass ceiling and KNOW it’s your energy and you’re reaching capacity 

Entrepreneurs who’s brain doesn’t respond well to neurotypical approaches to change, you love to think laterally and go with your intuition

Someone who is results driven and strategic in your approach to your business, and wants to apply that same CEO mindset to your health

A career driven high achiever who has scaled the heights in your profession, no stranger to commitment, you’re starting to feel the effects of the long hours and pressure to deliver, who wants to feel and look like the leader they are. You want to achieve targets and maximise profits without the burnout. 

A leader who is responsible for a team of people, you want to lead by example in your health and wellbeing as you do in your results and work, with clear priorities and strategies for managing stress and compassionate support so that everyone feels supported to grow and perform at their best.

Someone who is leading by example, creating a culture where health and wellbeing are closely linked to high performance, productivity and creativity and the capacity of you and your team.

Someone who likes to be able to create your own processes and structure, doesn’t respond well to being micromanaged and needs freedom to create their own plan so that they have a process that grows with them 

1:1 Programmes

RESET 4 week Programme £2k 

If you want your best year in business yet, it’s time to stop the hustle, grind and putting yourself to the bottom of the list. Prioritise you and your health with ease, joy, presence, strength, calm and watch the abundance flow in.

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Blending together coaching, hypnotherapy and energetics, all underpinned with the art and science of behaviour change to create some super cool high performance habits, we create a firm foundation for you to build on.4 x weekly 1:1 4 x hypnotherapy recordings To give you the calm nervous system you need to connect with yourself and what you need, and to be supported to make those changes. Together we make a plan for the next few months after the RESET and beyond, so you can confidently improve your health and performance with ease.

The Rewire £8k

6 month 1:1 Mentorship for clients who want to see quick results and work best with 1:1 support, the Rewire is the perfect choice to work closely with Lisa as your Health and Performance mentor..

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Blending together coaching, hypnotherapy and energetics, all underpinned with the art and science of behaviour change to create some super cool high performance habits. 6 months of support, empowerment, with Lisa as your Health and Performance mentor, biggest cheerleader, hype crew, adviser, guide to bring you the ultimate support and empowerment packageSeeing your health, life and business as moving, breathing parts of your inner landscape and your health ecosystem.Giving you the freedom, skills, energetic capacity, support and safety to choose to prioritise yourself and your health, it doesn’t ‘cost’ your business - in fact, the ROI for your business is massive - and immediate.  You make better decisions, you’re more productive, more confident, you have a more magnetic vibe

Renewal  £2.5k

An immersive 1:1 Day with Lisa for those who want to immerse themselves from the get go, to see and feel a big shift in one day and leave with tangible benefits and steps to implement immediately.

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As we delve into your needs, craft your vision of what expansive and rebellious health looks like to you, and craft a gorgeous strategy to get you there. Immersive, intimate and experiential, we cover we’ll move, nourish, breathe and use energetics and hypnotherapy to shift your beliefs about yourself, your health and what is possible.  

Prefer a Group experience?

Group Rewire

£1500 for 12 weeks

Our Group Rewire is a beautiful group experience of the 1:1 mentorship. A powerful experience that proves that all boats rise with the tide, you get the connective effervescence of the collective energy of the group. You’ll experience the shifts in your beliefs, the changes in your behaviour and relish the support you get from those around you who GET you, who understand the entrepreneur life. You’ll find compassionate support and encouragement as we change your thoughts, beliefs and behaviours to fuel and nourish your health in all of the ways to embody the high performance vibes that you create for others.

Know that you want ongoing support, thrive in a membership space and want the freedom to access any of our Academy Courses as and when you need, and have the collective support while you do so? 

Introducing our Academy membership

£200 per month

There is no minimum commitment, we want you to stay because you love it. We advise you give yourself a minimum of three months, most of our members choose to stay a lot longer and most have been with us for over a year. 

  • Onboarding with everything held in our membership portal 

  • Group call with Lisa once a week 

  • Regular events for you to use if relevant

  • Nutrition coaching 

  • Movement programmes for you to choose to plug and play

  • Nervous system restoration

  • Mindset and subconscious session once a month

  • Courses for you to choose or use what we advise in your onboarding 

  • Choose your own adventure and create your own journey 

Not sure about which to choose?

Click here to apply for one of the limited spaces we have each month for a free Game Plan call



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© Rebel Health Limited 2024. All rights reserved